
Angola: Total Disability Pension

By way of Presidential Decree 15/25, of 29 January 2025, the Angolan executive has approved the new Regime on Protection for Total Disability caused by Non-occupational Diseases and Accidents. Here is a summary of PD 15/25:

  • Definition of Total Disability – Total and permanent inability to perform any job or work which was caused by a non-occupational (not work related) event and is confirmed by the Disability Verification Center (“Centro de Verificação de Incapacidades”);
  • Disability Pension requirements – Entitlement to the Total Disability Pension is subject to the following conditions:
    1. Registration with Mandatory Social Protection (“Protecção Social Obrigatória”);
    2. Guarantee period;
    3. Certification of Total Disability.
  • Exclusions – The Total Disability Pension may not be extended to persons who:
    1. Have a remunerated job;
    2. Receive or are entitled to an Old-age Pension.
  • Confirmation of disability – Confirmation of disability is done by the Disability Verification Center by conducting medical exams on the employee. If the application is denied, the employee must wait at least 2 years to request a new exam.
  • Guarantee Period – The guarantee period is 60 months of contributions (consecutive or not) to the Social Security system.
  • Pension amount – The Total Disability Pension is equivalent to 60% (sixty percent) of the employee average salary in the 24 months prior to disability, provided that:
    1. The Total Disability Pension cannot be less than the Minimum Retirement Pension;
    2. The Total Disability Pension cannot exceed 80% of the Old-age Pension.
  • Non-cumulation – The Total Disability Pension cannot be cumulated with other pensions of the Mandatory Social Protection, except the following:
    1. Survival Pension;
    2. Family Allowance;
    3. Breastfeeding Allowance.

In addition, the pensioner cannot receive any income as employee or independent service provider.

  • Old-age Pension – The Total Disability Pension is converted into Old-age Pension when the pensioner reaches the retirement age. The Old-age Pension amount will be the same as the Total Disability Pension.
  • Proof of life – The pensioner is required to comply with the following:
    1. Make a “proof of life” on an annual basis;
    2. Proof of total disability every 5 years for a maximum of 20 years.

This will be done before the Disability Verification Center.

Payment of the pension will be suspended in case the above is not complied with.



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