
Angola – 2023 Petroleum Licensing Round

On 6 October 2023 the Angolan petroleum regulator and National Concessionaire ANPG has launched a licensing round for the onshore basins of Lower Congo and Kwanza (the “2023 Licensing Round”). Below is an outline of the Licensing Round in a questions and answers format:

1- Which blocks will be awarded? – A total of 12 blocks will be awarded, of which 8 are located in the Kwanza basin (KON1, KON3, KON7, KON10, KON13, KON14, KON15 and KON19) and 4 in the Lower Congo basin (CON2, CON3, CON7 and CON8). The blocks are depicted in the following map:

2- Who can participate? – The tender is open to national and international companies.

3- Can bids be submitted by consortiums? – Yes, bids may be submitted individually or in consortium.

4- What information must be provided? – In the addition to the offer per se, the bid must indicate whether company is applying for operator/non-operator position and the participating interest sought.

5- In what language must bids be submitted? – Portuguese language. If submitted in a foreign language, a Portuguese official translation must be provided.

6- When are the bids due? – Bids must be submitted by 15 November 2023.

7- Is an entry fee due? – Yes, bidders must pay an entry fee to access the technical data as follows:

                (i)           US$ 400.000,00 for the data of both the Lower Congo and Kwanza basins;
                (ii)          US$ 300.000,00 for the data of the Lower Congo basin only;
                (iii)         US$ 200.000,00 for the data of the Kwanza basin only;
                (iv)         US$ 70.000,00 will be due for each block awarded.

8- Is a Financial Guarantee required – Yes, bidders must present a Financial Guarantee as follows:

                (i)           Seismic Program – US$ 10.000,00 per km2
                (ii)          Exploration Well – US$ 3.000.000,00 per well

9- How will bids be evaluated? – Bids will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Minimum Work Program – 70% weight
    – Seismic Program – 50%
    – Drilling of 1 Exploration Well – 20%
  • Period for Completing Minimum Work Program – 10%
  • Bonuses & Contributions – 15%
    – Production Bonus – 10%
    – Contributions to Social & Environmental Projects – 5%
  • Local Content (% of exploration budget allocated to Angolan companies) – 5%

10- What type of contract will be signed? – Blocks will be awarded under a Production Sharing Contract model. The model is available through the ANPG website (www.anpg.co.ao)

11- What are the main economic parameters of PSC – The economic parameters (cost recovery ceiling, investment premium profit oil sharing) can be consulted in the attached document.

Additional information can be obtained through the ANPG website or additional document.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with Rui Amendoeira at rui.amendoeira@onelegal.pt

Terms of Reference, here.



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